Mathematics Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
81. 2018-2019 International Journal

B Sooryanarayana, SB Chandrakala, GR Roshini “On Realization and Characterization of Topological Indices” International Journal of Innovative Technology & Exploring Engineering 9 (1), 715-718

82. 2018-2019 International Journal

SB Chandrakala, GR Roshini, B Sooryanarayana “Bounds of Some Topological Indices of the Cartesian Product of F-sum Graphs” Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences 11 (3-4), 323-330

83. 2018-2019 International Journal

GR Roshini, SB Chandrakala, B Sooryanarayana “Multiplicative Connectivity Indices of Tri-Hexagonal Boron Nanotube and Nanotori” Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences 11 (3-4), 313-322

84. 2018-2019 International Journal

B Sooryanarayana, R A, C Hegde “Dominating Functions and Cayley Graphs” International journal of applied Engineering Research 14 (11), 2553-2558

85. 2018-2019 International Journal

B Sooryanarayana, SL Sequira, MV Kumar “On the Neighborhood Alliance Sets in a Graph” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 11 (10), 66-74

86. 2018-2019 International Conference

RG Ravichandra, CS Boraiah, S Badekara “Four vertex degree topological indices of tri-hexagonal boron nanotube and nanotori” AIP Conference Proceedings 2112 (1), 020013

87. 2018-2019 International Journal

B Sooryanarayana, Ramya, Y S. “Radio Number of Transformation Graphs of a Cycle” International journal of applied Engineering Research 14 (5), 1189-1196

88. 2018-2019 International Journal

Ramya, B Sooryanarayana “Radio Multiplicative Number of Certain Classes of Transformation Graphs” International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications 7 (4), 127-148

89. 2018-2019 International Journal

GR Roshini, SB Chandrakala, R Indira, B Sooryanarayana “Non-Neighbor Reduced Randic and Sum-Connectivity Index” International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications 7 (3), 127-133

90. 2018-2019 International Journal

B Sooryanarayana, NR Shankar, S Yogalakshmi “Radio number of kth-transformation graphs of a Path” International Journal of Applied Graph Theory 3 (2), 39-62