Ambedkar Centre for Tech Startup (ACTS) – The Startup Cell


The goal of ACTS – The Startup Cell is to stimulate the growth of tech startups in the institution. ACTS facilitates business growth by forging partnerships at the national and global level. ACTS consists of Dr.AIT (Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology) faculty, alumni and other individuals and partners from like-minded organizations to foster student entrepreneurship through incubation, ecosystem development and academic initiatives.

The ACTS startup cell helps student entrepreneurs to convert their ideas in becoming successful and profitable ventures by supporting them in project development and implementation, business planning, mentoring, commercializing their technologies, getting early seed funding, advice on intellectual property, training and development.


To contribute towards economic development of the nation by attracting studententrepreneurs to create jobs and promote social changes.


  • Building an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive through sustainable and real businesses at scale.
  • Contribute to society by finding innovative solutions to practical, financial and social issues.
  • Aligning businesses with the goals of the government and the nation to encourage economic development and develop a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Ensure that student entrepreneurs receive all the support they require to develop India as a product nation.

Student Entrepreneurs who are willing to apply for Incubation/Startup should download the document from the below link

Student Entrepreneurs who want to take their novel ideas from ideation stage to Commercialization stage should contact the below Startup Coordinators of their department.

S.No Faculty Designation Department Role
1 Dr. Prabha R. Professor Computer Science and Engineering Institute Coordinator
2 Mr. Naveen Kumar M Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Member
3 Dr. Ramprasad Assistant Professor Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering Member
4 Dr. Shivaputra Assistant Professor Electronics and Communication Engineering Member
5 Mr. Rajesh L V Assistant Professor Electronics and Electrical Engineering Member
6 Dr.Suprabha Assistant Professor Industrial Engineering and Management Member
7 Ms.HamsaRekha S D Assistant Professor Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Member
8 Ms.Asha K N. Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Member
9 Dr.Shruthi P. C. Assistant Professor Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Member
10 Dr.Shilpa Biradar Professor Information Science and Engineering Member
11 Mr Kushal M V Professor Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Member
12 Ms.Nayana R Shenoy Assistant Professor Medical Electronics Member
13 Dr.Dharani N. V. Assistant Professor MCA Member
14 Dr.Leela M. H. Assistant Professor MBA Member
Roles and Responsibilities of Institution Startup Coordinator
  • Promotion and Communicate materials on Startup Cell and facilities to students and faculty.
  • Call for Quarterly meeting of all the department Startup coordinators. Maintain documentation of
  • the proceedings like meeting photos, Minutes of Meetings, Meeting Video has to uploaded to YouTube and the link has to be shared with competent authorities and any other proof.
  • Keep a track of Startup Activities / Progress of all the departments.
  • Encourage Department Startup Coordinators to organize seminars, webinars, workshops and other academic activities related to Startups, Incubation, entrepreneurship and IPR.
  • Organize Hackathons, Innovation Contest, Ideation, Exhibitions at regular intervals.
  • Provide details to NISP/MoE/AICTE/IQAC about Startup activities in the institution.
  • Setup an Expert Pool for Advisory Services on Innovation & Start-up
  • Establish Networks: Network of Start-up Cell, Mentors Network, Network with Incubators and Research Parks, Venture capitals, Regional, State and National Angel Investors.
  • Organize Inter department Session and encourage student Start-up team and program coordination team with interdisciplinary, and representatives from diverse departments
  • Leverage Govt. Schemes and Programs
  • Organize, host and participate in Network events and Linkage programs
  • Encourage students and faculty to pursue Skill development Training programs related to IPRs, Business Modeling, Venture development and others.
  • Motivate students to realize their dreams starting from ideation to implementation.
  • Help students through different phases of Incubation / Startups like procurement, setup committees and others.
  • Organize webinars, seminars, workshops and other academic activities related to Startups, Incubation, Entrepreneurship and IPRs.
  • Organize Motivation Talks from Alumni Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders.
  • Sign MoUs with Industries and Research Centers.
  • Arrange exposure visit programs to Incubation Centers, Research Parks, Software Technology and Innovation Park, SME Clusters, SME Centers, Innovation Societies, Fab Labs, Hackers Space, Tinker Labs, Exhibitions, Market, Society etc.
  • Apply for Government schemes and other funding agencies.