Sl.No | Hostel Name | No. of Rooms | No. of Students Accommodation |
1. | Ananda Bhavan | 159 | 422 |
2. | Siddartha | 100 | 284 |
3. | Ashoka | 24 | 92 |
Total | 283 | 789 |
The Girls Hostel “Chethana Ladies Hostel” is situated within the Campus of Dr AIT. There are 108 rooms with common dining hall, TV & Gym hall. The hostel students are provided with student friendly menu. It has 24 hours of security with CCTV camera installed within the hostel. The hostel is provided with solar and electric water heaters for the continual supply of hot water. RO drinking water supply and uninterrupted power supply from generator during power cuts. Wi-Fi connectivity to every room.
The management has appointed a warden with supporting staff (residential) to take care of the day to day activities of the hostel. The hostel has in house kitchen staff and has outsourced housekeeping work. Currently the total number of students residing in the hostel is 385.