Electrical and Electronics Engineering Head of Department

The department is headed by Professor,  Dr.H V Govindaraju He obtained his PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay(IIT-B). He has done his Graduation in Electrical Engineering and Post-Graduation in Power Electronics from Bangalore University and joined  Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 1992. Since then, in his vast academic experience, he is contributing to technical education in most of the capacities. He is having a teaching experience of 30 Years.

  • He has received the grant in aid of Rs 24,15,000/- under the RPS Scheme sanctioned by AICTE, New Delhi.
  • He has been awarded an Indian Patent and he has filed for a patent for one of his research works.
  • He has several research papers to his credit both at the National and International level with good Research Indices
  • Being a Reviewer and Technical Program Committee member for many of the IEEE International Conferences and reputed Journals.
  • He has authored books on ‘Network Theory’ in 1996 and ‘Electrical circuit analysis’  and an updated version in 1999, which is widely appreciated and used by the students.
  • His areas of Research are Power Electronics, utility-friendly converter topologies, Integration of renewable energy sources, Interfacing power electronics circuits with embedded systems.
  • He was appointed as a member of the Board of Studies and Board of Examination for various Universities since 2011.
  • He is nominated as IQAC member, Dr. AIT
  • He has a life member of IE(I), ISTE, IETE.
  • He was appointed as VTU nominee for the selection of Students Projects for awarding the finance from the VTU.
  • He has proved to be a good organizer by organizing several Conferences, FDPs, Workshops, Students Symposiums, Technical Fests both sponsored (AICTE, Dr. AIT) and self-funded.
  • He has guided three Ph.D. students and 08 M.Tech students
  • He is guiding 07 Ph.D. students and M.Tech, and B.E students

Dr H V Govindaraju

Associate Professor and Head
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering