Computer Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
11. 2023-2024 International Journal

MN Tejas, Lavanya Santhosh, Veena Potdar, Varun Hegde, TS Sumukha, Trishul Vishnu KT, “Techniques for the Identification of Early Blight and Late Blight in Potato Leaves: A Comparative Review”,2023/7,IJARESM,Volume,11,Issue,5,P3078-3087,DOI:: 10.56025/IJARESM.2023.115233069

Reference Link
12. 2023-2024 International Journal

Dr. Prerana Chaithra, Nidhi A M, Madhu Shree S, Manjunath B N, Neha Kulkarni, “Unveiling Anomalies in Surveillance Videos”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 12, Issue VI, June 2024, Page No. 108-111, ISSN: 2321-9653

13. 2023-2024 International Journal

Mr. Diwakar Ganesan Karthik S, Anupama AS, Deekshith SA, Ms. Lavanya Santosh, Ms. Monisha Raj, CRYPTO AI: DIGITAL NOSTALGIC ART GENERATION USING GAN AND CREATION OF NFT USING BLOCKCHAIN, 2022/7, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2408-2413.

Reference Link
14. 2023-2024 International Journal

Veena Potdar, Lavanya Santhosh, H Hrithik, B Kanish, C Harsha, S Mahantesh, Forensic Evidences Made Tamper-Proof using Block Chain, 2023/7, Vol 11, Issue 7,Pages - 34-45

Reference Link
15. 2023-2024 International Journal

Veena A., Gowrishankar S., “Automatic context-based health informatics system for
diagnosing spinal deformity using deep learning”, Proceedings of Springer Nature
International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Advanced Technology and
Engineering Exploration, 03 rd November 2023.
17572-3. (Q1 Scopus and Web of Science Indexed)

Reference Link
16. 2023-2024 International Conference

Arvind CS; Aditya K; Keerthan HS; Mohammed Farhan; Asha KN; Shamshekhar S Patil, Non-Invasive Multistage Fruit Grading Application with User Recommendation system," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2022, pp.1-6, doi: 10.1109/CONECCT55679.2022.9865785

Reference Link
17. 2023-2024 International Journal

V Ranjith, S Ranganatha Gowda, HE Prashanth, S Rajkumar, KN Asha, “Cloud Based Model To Detect Emotion In A Speech”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 

18. 2023-2024 International Journal

Dr. N Sailaja, Dr. Prerana , Chaithra, rR V Gandhi, “CNN Algorithm for Breast Cancer Detection of Mammogram Images” in International Journal JCST - Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, Vol 38 (4) 2023, ISSN 1004-9037, December 2023, pp 2066-2074

19. 2023-2024 International Journal

Vinutha M S, Dr. Padma M , International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2023, Insights into Search Engine Optimization using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

20. 2023-2024 International Journal

Medhini Prabhakar,Prasad Hundekar,Sai Deepthi B P,Shivam Tiwari, Vinutha M S, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research"SIGN LANGUAGE CONVERSION TO TEXT AND SPEECH"