Business Administration (MBA) Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
11. 2020-2021 International Journal

Dr.Leela M H - “Efficient Market Hypothesis On Selected Healthcare Stocks Using Run Test”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Published paper id IJCRT2008435, Vol. 8 Issue 8, August 2020, pp.3651-3667, impact factor: 7.97, doi:


12. 2020-2021 International Journal

Mrs. Arundathi S V - Empathetic behavior among Nurses and its impact on the Nursing Profession. IJBARR, 2021, Impact factor 6.304, ISSN 2347856X.

13. 2020-2021 International Journal

Ms. S Kavitha - A paper titled “A Study on consumer behavior towards online furniture shopping in Bangalore” in an International Journal of creative research thoughts(IJCRT) , Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2021. ISSN: 2320-2882.

14. 2019-2020 International Journal

Dr. S. Baskaran - “A Study on Customer’s Perception on Airtel Payment Banks with Special Reference to Bangalore City” in International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review. E- ISSN -2347-856X ISSN -2348-0653, Vol.6, Issue.2, Impact Factor: 5.494. April-June 2019. Pp 26-36.


15. 2019-2020 International Journal

Dr. S. Baskaran -“CAPM Model Analysis for Performance of Stock Market in Automobile, IT, and Banking Companies” in Research Directions: An International Refereed Peer- Reviewed Multi-disciplinary Monthly Research Journal. ISSN 2321-5488 Vol: 6, Issue: 15, June 2019. Pp 94-99.


16. 2019-2020 International Conference

Dr. S. BaskaranRisk and Return Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry” in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application and Management. ISSN No – 2454 9150, Vol. 8 Issue: 7, Impact factor: 5.6. July 2019. Pp 121-130.



17. 2019-2020 International Journal

Dr. S. Baskaran -  “An Empirical Study on Conceptual frame work of building Capacity &the role of Micro Finance on Poverty reduction: Evidence from Chickmagalore District” in International Journal of Research in Social Sciences”. ISSN: 2249-2496 Vol. 9 Issue 7 Impact Factor: 7.081. July 2019. 452-462.

18. 2019-2020 International Journal
Dr.Susheela Devi B Devaru - “An Evaluation of Pros and Cons Indulged in Application of  Green Supply Chain in  Manufacturing Companies” in Scopus indexed Journal- International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 01, Oct -2019, ISSN: 1475-7192,H Index-6,Page:507-514,Impact Factor- 0.08, SCI Imago Journal Rank – 0.125.
19. 2019-2020 International Journal
Dr.Susheela Devi B Devaru -  “Applicability of Blue Ocean Strategy in the Development   of  IT and ITES Sector Companies” in UGC care Journal -  Journal of the Gujarat   Research Society,    ISSN: 0374-8588, Vol 21, Issue 13, Dec- 2019,UGC-CARE List  Group: Group D,     Impact Factor: 4.3,Page No-299-307.
20. 2019-2020 International Journal

Dr.Rajeshwari R  R - The Impact of Demographic Factors on The Self Confidence Level of Management Students. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)  An International Open Access, Peer Reviewed , Referred Journal ISSN-2320-2882 Volume 8, Issue 11 November 2020.