Chemistry Achievements

S.No Year Achievement Details
1. 2020-2021
  1. Dr Bhagyalakshmi H, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, has participated andpresented a poster (through online platform) on “Synthesis Of Zn/Ca MixedFerrites From Waste Egg Shells As Source Of Calcium” in the InternationalWinter School on Frontiers in Materials Science (A virtual event) held at JawaharlalNehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research during December 07-11, 2020. This paper was awarded a prize for Best Poster Presentation at the InternationalWinter School 2020.


2. 2020-2021

Dr. Jahagirdar. A. A. wrote a book “ Synthesis of Nano materials from Plant Extracts” Published by Lambert Academic Publishing Germany.

3. 2018-2019

Dr. Jahagirdar. A. A. wrote a book titled “Nanometal oxides for environmental Remediation” published by United Publishers, Karnataka, India. 

4. 2015-2016
  1. Dr Bhagyalakshmi H, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, has participated and presented a poster on “Thermoluminescence study from CaO obtained from Waste Egg Shells As Source Of Calcium” in the International International conference on Luminescence application during Feb 9th to 12th 2015 held at PESIT, Bangalore. This paper was awarded a prize for Best Poster Presentation