Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology is exhilarated to have been granted the opportunity to raise the NCC ARMY wing under 2 Karnataka Battalion, 'A' Bengaluru Group of Karnataka and Goa Directorate with the magnanimous support from our revered management, staff as well as the students on 22nd September 2023.It is indubitable that the magnification of our NCC wing would only result in flourishing of cadets in their career and would inspire many to take up the Armed forces or build in them the intention to serve the nation. It builds in them the personality and perseverance to withstand any ensuing challenges.NCC provides an expansive platform for the Cadets to excel in their talents and efforts by participating in National and Achievement camps which in succession leads to the growth of the institution tremendously.
In total 120 cadets showed up for the selection in which 18 cadets were selected.