Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
61. 2017-2018 National Conference

National conference on Emerging trends in Communication and Networking(NCETCN-18) A Novel design of algorithm for the control of artificial face with gesture recognition  technology Department of Telecommunication Engineering, SJCIT, Chickballapur 10th May-2018

62. 2017-2018 International Journal

Monitoring Health of the Structures by Sensor Nodes using IoT Technology”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology(IJRASET), DOI : 10.22214, vol. 6, issue 5, May 2018

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63. 2017-2018 International Conference

Study of Remote Labs to facilitate Smart Education in Indian Academia” in the 15th International conference on  Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation held on 21st-24th March 2018 in Dusseldorf, Germany

64. 2017-2018 International Conference

Digital remote labs built by the students and for the students” in the 15th International conference on remote engineering and Virtual Instrumentation held on 21st-24th March 2018 in Dusseldorf, Germany

65. 2016-2017 International Journal

Bio-inspired Energy Efficient Collision Free Sleep Scheduled Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network”, International journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT), vol. 5, Issue 5, May-2016, ISSN: 2278-0181, PP: 557-560.

66. 2016-2017 International Conference

Anuran Inspired Collision Free Self-organized    Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network”,2016 IEEE International conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE), 2-4 April 2016, Singapore, Added to IEEE  Xplore: 23 May 2016, INSPEC Accession No: 16005618, DOI: 10.1109/ICCRE.2016.7476143.

67. 2016-2017 International Journal

Segmentation of MRimages using active contours:Methods challenges and applications

68. 2016-2017 International Conference

International conference on development of smart cities(ICDSC-2016) Exploitation of IoT-Application of smart cities Dr.AIT,Bangalore. 9 &10,September 2016

69. 2016-2017 National Conference

National conference on Recent trends in Electronics and Communication(NCRTEC-2017) Counter measure for IP Spoofing by passive IP Traceback(PIT) Method    Dept. Of Electronics and Communication Engg. Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore   12th May 2017.

70. 2016-2017 International Journal

Energy Preserving Reliable Trust Management Model for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653, vol. 5, Issue VI, pp. 1535 – 1545, June 2017