Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
11. 2022-2023 International Journal

Praveen K.B, Dr B Sivakumar published a paper titled “Autoregressive Based Vocal Tract Shape Modelling of Vowels in Speech Processing”, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, Volume 32, Year 2023, Pages 32-45.

12. 2022-2023 International Journal

Configuration Of the Wireless Sensor Nodes Based On Swarm Optimization And Genetic Algorithm In A Heterogeneous Node Environment Using Ns2, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, Volume 38, Year 2023, Pages 2249-2263

13. 2022-2023 International Journal

Monitoring of environmental parameters using internet of things and analysis of correlation between the parameters in a DWC hydroponic technique, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Volume 26, Year 2023, Pages 60-72.

14. 2022-2023 International Journal

Comparative Analysis of Huffman and Arithmetic Coding Algorithms for Image Compression, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Year 2022, Pages 16-20.

15. 2022-2023 International Journal

Monitoring Environment Parameters of Gerbera Flower Cultivation in Greenhouse using Internet of Things, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 15, Year 2022, Pages 2527-2533

16. 2022-2023 International Journal

Performance Metric Analysis of CC-Leach, High Technology Letters, Volume 28, Year 2022

17. 2022-2023 International Journal

Analysis of Node Density Parameter to Determine Range Estimates In WSNS Using RSSI Method, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 10(5), Year 2022, Pages b501-b509

18. 2022-2023 International Journal

Coverage and Throughput Analysis of 3GPP NR Propagation Models using MATLAB, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Volume 11, Issue 4, July – August 2022.

19. 2022-2023 International Journal

Automation industry in cyber physical systems based on 4G IoT networks for operation controlling and monitoring management, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 272 (2023) 170308,Volume 272, Year 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.ijleo.2022.170308.

20. 2022-2023 International Journal

Performance Analysis in MANET Routing Protocol using Machine Learning Algorithm for Data Security.