Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patents


Dr.K.Ramesha, has a Patent on System for Unmanned Intelligent Patrol Electric Vehicles with Mobile Payment ,Application Number: 20 2022 100 691IPC: G06Q 20/14, Patent filed date: 07.02.2022, Patent granted date: 15.02.2022, Validity of the patent: 20 Years from the date of filing,


 Dr.K.Ramesha has a patent on , Title: “Synthesis of E-Waste Based on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Management System for Smart Environment”.Patent No.:202141044783, dated: 2/10/2021.


Dr.K.Ramesha has a patent on “Novel Audio-Video Device for Teaching a Foreign Language to the People of Different Mother Tongue Simultaneously”.No.: 202041042274 dated 29-09-2020 under Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 560056.


 Dr. Ganapathi V Sagar, Dr.Shubha P, Dr.Sridevi N, Hamsa Rekha S D  has a patent on , Title: “Secure and privacy preserving data exchange in IoT based healthcare systems with AI Analysis”.Patent Application No.202341054302 A , dated: 1/09/2023.

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