Year | National Journals | International Journals | National Conferences | International Conferences |
2023-2024 | - | 5 | - | - |
2022-2023 | - | 22 | - | 9 |
2021-2022 | - | 23 | 1 | 1 |
2020-2021 | - | 10 | 1 | 3 |
2019-2020 | - | 9 | 8 | - |
2018-2019 | - | 9 | - | - |
2017-2018 | - | 5 | - | 1 |
Year | National Journals | International Journals | National Conferences | International Conferences |
2023-2024 | - | 5 | - | - |
2022-2023 | - | 22 | - | 9 |
2021-2022 | - | 23 | 1 | 1 |
2020-2021 | - | 10 | 1 | 3 |
2019-2020 | - | 9 | 8 | - |
2018-2019 | - | 9 | - | - |
2017-2018 | - | 5 | - | 1 |
S.No | Year | Type | Publication Details |
91. | 2019-2020 | National Conference |
Shivaleela S “Transforming Education and Training through AI based Conversational Communication”, in National Conference on Recent Trends in Science, engineering and Management 7th and 8th June 2019 |
92. | 2019-2020 | International Journal |
Shailaja L K “Infrared Based Wireless Power Technology”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 7, Issue 04, 2019 Reference Link |
93. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao, "A novel intelligence-based e- procurement system to offer maximum fairness index in ongoing auction process", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2018, Pages 4438-4447 |
94. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao, "MACHINE LEARNING BASED METAMORPHIC TESTING FOR SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSESSMENT” , International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering,Volume 8, Issue XII, DECEMBER/2018, Pages: 1815-1821. |
95. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao, “CCCORE: Cloud Container for Collaborative Research” ,International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 8, No. 3, June 2018, PP1659-1670, ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i3 |
96. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao, “An Architecture for Software Quality Assessment Using Hierarchical Clustering based Metamorphic Testing” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, No.12, November 2018 |
97. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dr. L.Manjunatha Rao, “PORM: Predictive Optimization of Risk Management to Control Uncertainty Problems in Software Engineering” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 8, No. , December 2018, pp 4735~4744 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp4735-4744 |
98. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Dharani N V, CISRP: connectivity-aware intersection-based shortest path routing protocol for VANETs in urban environments, IET, IET Networks 2018 Jan 12; 7(3):152- 61. 2018 |
99. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Shivaleela S, "Current state of Agile Methodology and its extended practices.-A Review, International Journal Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Page No 90-95 Volume-7,Issue -7 Jul-18 |
100. | 2018-2019 | International Journal |
Kavyashree N, "Enhancement of Indian Software Quality Management Using Multi Criteria Objects and Six Sigma Methodology", International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science and Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE) Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2018 |