Computer Applications (MCA) Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
101. 2018-2019 International Journal

Bharathi S, "Fraud Detection in Financial services using Machine Learning Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Vol 5 Issue 8,ISSN 2347- 2369.volume-5, Issue-8 E-ISSN: 2347-269 2018

102. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Dharani. N.V “CISRP: connectivity-aware intersection-based shortest path routing protocol for VANETs in urban environments” The Institute of Engineering Technology(IET) Networks-2018

Reference Link
103. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Dharani. N.V “SCGRP: SDN-enabled Connectivity aware Geographical Routing Protocol of VANETs for urban environment” The Institute of Engineering Technology (IET) Networks-2017

Reference Link
104. 2017-2018 International Journal

N V Dharani, SCGRP:SDN-enabled Connectivity aware Geographical Routing Protocol of VANETs for urban environment, IET Networks, Volume 6, No. 5, Page no 102- 111 

105. 2017-2018 International Journal

S K Indumathi, Emphasizing Techno culture in Rural Farming, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinar
y Research, Volume 6, No. 5, Page no 102-111

106. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao, “ODM: Modelling Optimization of Data Mining in e-Governance Framework”, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN 2091- 2730, Jan-Feb, 2018

107. 2017-2018 International Conference

Dr. L. Manjunatha Rao,A Container based collaborative research cloud network with a hybrid access control approach for enhanced isolation, IEEE digital explorer,ICEECCOT-2017 Dec 2017