Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Head of Department

Dr. M.V. Vijayakumar is an reformer educationist, renowned researcher and  and administrator. Presently working as a Dean(FA), professor and HOD in ISE/AIML the Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. He has 22 years of Teaching, administration and Research experience. He has been recognized as a best administrator with good track of academic results and research.

He completed M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Department of Computer Science, KREC, Surathkal, presently named as NITK, India. Afterwards He worked as a software engineer, academician and then he fascinated towards research in his young age. 

In his research interest and Curiosity joined Full time Phd course in United kingdom. He bas been awarded PhD in Computer science and engineering, Sub area Artificial Intelligence under the guidance of popular AI scientist  Dr. Darryl.N.Davis, from the  University of Hull, England, United Kingdom. He obtained SIA from London, and Post Graduate Certificate course in Research Training (PGCRT), from the University of Hull, United Kingdom. 

He has published number of papers in the various National and International Journals and conferences. 

He is one among the top pioneers in AI, who made lot of contributions to the AI field yielding duel benefits to the society with the support of funding agencies like, VGST, DST, AICTE, ORSAS, IT/BT, UK Research Fellowships, etc. Many of his scientific experiments given him lot of recognition and awards, like ORSAS (Overseas Research Student award scheme) in 2005 for his Outstanding merit and Research Potential From British Government, Outstanding Researcher Award, from VIFA-2015,  D.SC(Doctor of science), International Research Achievers Award, Indian Overseas Research award, etc.

Dr. M.V. Vijayakumar M.Tech(NIT-K), Ph.D (London), P.G.C.R.T (Research)

Dean(FA), Dr.AIT, Professor and HOD, ISE
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning