Information Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
71. 2018-2019 International Journal

Jyothi S, VidyaRani H J & Ramyashree N ," IOT based Real Time Active Safety System to Avoid Accidents" , Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(ISSN: 2349-5162) Impact factor – 5.87,Volume 5,Issue 6, June 2018,pp- 290-294.

72. 2018-2019 International Journal

Shreyas K , Pooja S , RamannaHalimani , Vasant Kumar K V ,Shilpa Biradar, "ALIVE HUMAN DETECTION USING PIR SENSORS " , International Journal of Computing, Communications and Networking ISSN 2319-2720 Volume 7, No.2, April – June 2018 Pp. 295-300. Impact factor 4.439

73. 2018-2019 International Journal

Biradar Shilpa, Dr. S. G. Hiremath, Dr. Thippeswamy G, “Characterization of Health Data using Neural Network and Routing in Health Monitoring” , International Journal of Computing, Communications and Networking ISSN 2319-2720 Volume 7, No.2, April – June 2018 Pp. 270-277. Impact factor 4.439

74. 2018-2019 International Journal

Satish B Basapur, "Generic Language Learning Automation “ in IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research &   Development| Vol. 6, Issue 03, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.

75. 2018-2019 International Journal

Satish B Basapur, “Prediction Algorithm Design for Disease Learning Extensively “ in IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 6, Issue 03, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

76. 2018-2019 International Journal

Vidyarani H J, “Emusic: An Emotion Based Music Player using Microsoft Face API ”, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), Vol. 7, Issue 03, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613May 2019.



77. 2018-2019 International Journal

Vidyarani H J, "Eye Blink to Voice and Home automation Assisting System for Paralysed", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD), Vol. 7, Issue 03, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613 , May 2019

78. 2018-2019 International Journal

Pushpalatha S, “Smart Mirror using Voice Interface” at International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 6,Issue 6,June 2019. 

79. 2018-2019 International Journal

Pushpalatha S, “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping on a Quadcopter” at IJSRE-International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Trends, Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2019.

80. 2018-2019 International Conference

Nandini Prasad K.S, Energy Efficient Node Deployment for WSN to Enhance QoS, Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques(ICEECCOT-2018) at GSSSIET for Women, Mysuru, 14/12/2018 and 14/12/2018.