Information Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
111. 2016-2017 International Journal

Bhasker R, Shylaja.B.S (2016) " Knowledge Based Reduction Technique for Virtual Machine Provisioning in Cloud Computing ",published in International Journal of Computer Science. 

112. 2016-2017 International Journal

Nataraj Y Kannur, DrShylaja B S (2016),”A Heuristic Approach to Enhance the Energy Consumption, Packet Delay and Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks” published in International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2016, ISSN: 2278 – 7798.

113. 2016-2017 International Conference

DrB.S.Shylaja (2016)” Applications of IOT in the development of smart cities” , presented in International Conference on development of smart cities ICDSC-2016 at DrAmbedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

114. 2016-2017 International Conference

Lavanya, Arpitha, chaithra and DrB,S,Shylaja (2016), “Internet of Vehicles for Smart and Safe Driving” presented in International conference on development of smart cities (ICDSC), at DrAIT,Bangalore

115. 2016-2017 International Conference

DharaniManoj, B.S.Shylaja (2016),”EGRP: Enhanced Geographical Routing protocol for Vehicular Adhoc Networks “presented in Third Springer International Conference on Computer & Communication Technologies in IC3T-2016 and publication in Springer LIC3T-2016 during 5-6 Nov, 2016.

116. 2016-2017 International Conference

Malathi P, "Text Message Classifier", International Conference on Development of Smart Cities: Interface, Governance and Technology, Dr. A.I.T, Bangalore on Sep 9th-10th,2016


117. 2016-2017 International Conference

Shilpa Biradar, “A Survey of Routing Protocols in Wireless Body Sensor Networks “ at International conference on Development of smart cities: Interface, Governance and Technology from September 9-10 2016 at Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology.

118. 2016-2017 International Journal

Anusha U A , Mrs.Shilpa Biradar , “Recommender Systems: A Survey”, in International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.5 issue 1 2016, pp.42-45

119. 2016-2017 International Journal

Satish B Basapur, “Integration of Multi-Server for Profit maximization with Guaranteed QoS in Cloud Computing  ” in  IJSETR - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2016   ISSN: 2278 – 7798.

120. 2016-2017 International Conference

Satish B Basapur, “Big Data Stream Processing Using Virtual Machines in Distributed Data Centers” during the international conference on development of smart cities: Interface, Governance and Technology on September 9-10,2016 at Dr. AIT Bengaluru-560056, Karnataka, India.