Information Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
11. 2023-2024 International Journal

Satish B Basapur, Shylaja.B.S and Venkatesh ,(2023)”Constraints-Relaxed Functional Dependency based Data Privacy Preservation Model” – Published in IAENG Engineering Letters, vol. 31,no. 1, pp.19-34, 2023

12. 2023-2024 International Journal

Sowmya Venkatesh, Maragal Venkatamuni Vijay Kumar, Ashoka Davanageri Virupakshappa, “An effective imputation scheme for handling missing values in  the heterogeneous dataset “ in Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 32 , No. 1 ,  October 2023 , pp. 423 - 431 ISSN: 2502 -4752,  DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v32.i1.pp423-431.

13. 2023-2024 International Journal

Basapur, Satish B.; Shylaja, B. S.; Venkatesh, “Constraints-Relaxed Functional Dependency based Data Privacy Preservation Model.”, in Engineering Letters, 2023, Vol 31, Issue 1, p19, ISSN- 1816-093X

14. 2022-2023 International Journal S. Pushpalathaa,, Shrishail Math,”Human Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Model” in International Journal on Information Technologies & Security(IJITS), issue № 4 (vol. 14), 2022 . Reference Link
15. 2022-2023 International Journal

S. R. DeepuB. S. ShylajaR. Bhaskar published a book chapter ,” Convergence Time Aware Network Comprehensive Switch Migration Algorithm Using Machine Learning for SDN Cloud Datacenter “, in Big Data, Cloud Computing and IoT Book , 1st Edition , Book ISBN9781003298335, April 2023 publisher Taylor and Francis group

16. 2022-2023 International Journal

Patil, Basamma Umesh; Ashoka, D V; and V, Ajay Prakash B. (2023) "Data Integration Based Human Activity Recognition using Deep Learning Models," Karbala International Journal of Modern Science: Vol. 9 : Iss. 1 , Article 11. [ Scopus Q 2 Journal ]

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17. 2022-2023 International Journal

Vidya E V, B S Shylaja,” Spectrum Management Using Q-Learning Approach For Cluster Based Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks” in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research UGC Approved Journal   no 63975(19) ISSN: 2349-5162 , Volume 9 | Issue 12 | December 2022

18. 2022-2023 International Journal

S. R. Deepu , B. S. Shylaja, R. Bhaskar,” Convergence time aware switch migration algorithm for SDN (CTSMA) cloud datacenter”, in International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences

Reference Link
19. 2022-2023 International Journal

Shilpa Biradar, et. al ” Improved Channel Capacity in 5G Ultradense Network “, in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2022 | Article ID 7948395 |

Reference Link
20. 2021-2022 International Journal

Vidyarani H J, Dr. Shrishail Math, Dr. Chandrakanth G Pujari Published paper entitled " Efficient Feature Extraction and Re-ranking Technique for the Person Re-Identification" in Neuro Quantology | September 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 9 | Page 2856-2865 |

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